Orthodontic Treatment With AcceleDent®
What Is AcceleDent®?
AcceleDent is a device that accelerates orthodontic treatment. AcceleDent is simple to use and is proven to speed up orthodontic tooth movement by as much as 50%. The device also reduces discomfort during treatment. AcceleDent can also decrease oral health issues by reducing the risk of cavities, gum inflammation, and white spots.
How Does It Work?
The AcceleDent mouthpiece, which is custom fitted to your teeth, is placed in the mouth and held between the teeth. AcceleDent uses micropulses, or vibrations, that go through the roots of your teeth to the surrounding bone. This vibration increases cellular activity and speeds up the movement of the teeth.
How Long Should I Use AcceleDent Every Day?
Orthodontists recommend that AcceleDent be used for a continuous period of 20 minutes every day. You may pause your session if needed and the timer will start back where you left off.
How Do I Know If I Am Biting the Mouthpiece Correctly?
The pressure with which you bite the mouthpiece should be just tight enough to hold the AcceleDent device in place without needing to use your hands. Try not to bite too hard on the mouthpiece, as this may cause more wear than is regular. To improve comfort, relax your jaw and facial muscles while keeping enough force to hold the AcceleDent device in place.
Feel free to contact West Cobb Orthodontics at (678) 401-4321 today to learn more about AcceleDent in Kennesaw, Georgia, and to schedule an appointment with our orthodontist, Dr. Brenna Christensen