Choosing the Braces that are Right for You

It’s not uncommon for adolescents to need braces for a short period of time to help adjust their smile and establish a healthy bite pattern for their adult life. In recent years more adults have started wearing braces to help correct alignment issues that have develop due to age or changes in bite alignment.
Traditional braces use metal brackets and wires secured to the front of the teeth with a resin adhesive. For cosmetic reasons they tend not to be very popular with adults. Ceramic braces are just like traditional braces except they have been covered with a porcelain-ceramic material that is color matched to your natural teeth.
Lingual braces are just like traditional braces, except they are attached to the back of your teeth. These braces are a little more popular with adults for their cosmetic appeal. The disadvantage of lingual braces is that they can sometimes be hard to clean.
For adults that are looking for minor cosmetic adjustments, clear plastic aligners like Invisalign and ClearCorrect have been growing in popularity. These aligners are made from a clear durable plastic that you to wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day. You can drink normally but the aligners should be removed while eating. Every two weeks you will switch to a new set of aligners as your teeth gradually conform to your ideal placement.
If you have questions about what bite adjustment options are right for you, please call us at (678) 401-4321 to schedule an appointment.